

A workshop or studio especially one used by an artist or designer.

We hold the conviction that Beauty is integral to discipleship, the gospel, and the life of the world. 

Atelier is the french word for studio. Our vision is to "Cultivate Beauty and Deepen Faith" through in person events, retreats and resources. Our main expression of atelier to date has been our annual discipleship school and regular retreats that seek to inspire young adults to follow the way of the one true Artisan - Jesus Christ.

What We Do

  • Our current schools and retreats take place in the UK at Waverley Abbey and in Normandy, France. To book us to lead a retreat or event in your own context and community, get in touch.

  • We desire to release resources in various formats that cultivate beauty and deepen faith. These range from in-print prayer resources to online courses.

    2024 saw the release of our first prayer book for artisans. Keep a look out for new resources and products in the year ahead.

  • More to follow.

Contemplative Creativity

A 4 week online course diving into a biblical understanding of beauty and how that relates to our faith, making and communities.

Bookings are now open for our March Course.