Ever since I was a young boy I have had two passions; Art and faith in Jesus. The chord that tied these two together was a deep value for Beauty. In my experience a theology of Beauty is not an optional extra when it comes to living out faith but foundational in understanding the Scriptures, the Gospel and the world we live in. I cannot fathom a Christianity that does not have a theology of Beauty at its centre in practice and thought. Hell itself is the only place that has no beauty. This is not some aesthetic escapism from the harsh realities of our broken, divided and war torn world. In fact it is the opposite. It is a call to arms and a reason to embrace the darkest places believing that even there beauty speaks and the Kingdom of Heaven grows.
For many years I was caught in a dualistic view of my sense of calling to the Church and the Arts. I felt I had to choose either a vocation in the arts or as a pastor. However there was one space where these two passions found belonging and that was in the manifest presence of the Lord in worship and prayer, both corporately and individually. Worship as a doorway into intimacy. Intimacy an experience of Beauty.
The vision of Atelier began in 2017 after I'd finished studying art and theology in Los Angeles, California. I dreamt of a community of young adults spread across the globe who perhaps like me held the conviction that Beauty was integral to following Jesus and not an optional extra. I dreamt of a scattered community of young artists, makers, poets, dreamers and ultimately worshippers who saw no sacred or secular divide when it came to worship and creative expression. A community that would speak prophetically both within Church and Culture and who would be united in wholehearted devotion to rhythms of prayer, worship and making. I dreamt that the Church could become a studio space overflowing with worship that was full of mystery, beauty and wonder. That was the initial dream and although it is evolving and growing, it hasn't really changed since.